
Short stories, Serials, prose,

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Location: madison, WISCONSIN, United States

Finally can call myself a writer, that is almost all i do now. Can't wait to call myself an Author

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Pirate treasure Or The apple trees

When I was around 10 years old my younger brother and I used to dig out behind my father's shed. We were convinced we would find great treasures like arrowheads or fossils. This was all started by my father's boyhood friend who was an amateur archeologist, and a professional geologist. He was always showing us little plant and trilobite fossils he had found here or there. We even had a collection of geods that he gifted us with every year for Christmas.
Back behind the shed however we never found a thing beside roots and rocks. We decided to move over the fence into the small horse pasture next door. We picked a spot behind some oak trees cut off from view of the owners house and our own house. There was a small pony and a white old mare that lived back there we had been feeding them veggies and sugar since we found out they were there and they never minded us being in their space. We must have dug for over an hour, I remember my brother being up to his waist in this hole when we found a blue glass mason jar full of black moldy coins. Pirate treasure! We were so sure. We took the jar out behind our shed and hid it in one of the holes we had already dug.
For days we went back and dug these giant pits all over the neighbors pasture. Thankfully the pony and horse were old and slow or they might have hurt themselves, but at the time we didn't even consider.
Like all boys do who find trouble we were eventually caught. The neighbor had finally noticed all the new holes and ditches in her yard and understandably she freaked out a little. Her husband waited one afternoon out there hiding in the brush wearing hunting camouflage until we snuck in with our shovels. He jumped out and grabbed us, I just remember trying to run then trying to smack this man I was sure was a Pirates ghost with my shovel. We were dragged none to gently up to the front door of our house. The look on my dad's face made me wish we had run afoul of some pirates. We confessed rapidly to the digging and the jar of coins. The neighbor relented all at once, but my father? Not a chance. He sent us over there to fill up every one of those holes except two. Those two he had us dig wider and deeper until it satisfied him, then he and my older brother took two 5 or 6 year old apple trees out of his own orchard and planted them in the holes.
Then of course came the punishment, with my father reparation always came before punishment, so that the injured party suffered as little as possible. First we had to take the jar of pennies over to the neighbors house. She was very nice and tried to invite us in for some cookies, but Dad would have nothing to do with it. He stood at the edge of the property as we apologizes profusely and ducked out and ran as fast as we could back to our own yard. My father was never averse to the hand or the belt, but sometimes he was just downright creative. Funny we were more scared of those times, this time he took us to a nursery and had us pick out two replacement trees, the finest ones in the lot he said, and we sure found them. Of course after he paid for them came the trick, now we owed him for the trees he had to buy! We had never heard of minimum wage, and in all fairness for how small we were we probably deserved the $.25 per hour he paid us. My dad the Navy engineer even drew up a chart and a log. He checked it weekly against all our chores, marking us down if we tried to fudge the numbers, helping us out if we forgot to note anything. I don't know how long it took us to finish that debt. I never really remember it ending, but knowing Dad he played it fairly to the end, maybe raising our wages as we got better at certain things. My brother and I though got to claim those trees (eventually) even to today my dad will call and say "hey Alan your apples are looking really good. I think you might outdo your brother's this year."

Monday, August 16, 2004


I was sitting at a corner hamburger stand last weekend, people were driving by looking at me, the stand the corner. I didn't mind, after all I was tucked into a giant greasy cheeseburger and a root beer float and most of them are probably on the No carb diet. So I'm smiling talking chewing I was there with someone close to me and we were just enjoying the afternoon. I had been sick all weekend and for the first time made it out of the house. Sometimes the fastest way to recover is junk food and fresh air.
There was a little kid out in front of the stand selling some kind of raffle tickets to al the families that came up, he never approached me or I probably would have bought some. I intimidate children sometimes, while the rest of the time they can't seem to get enough of me. 3 teen boys in a car pulled up at the light, and perhaps to trumpet their rebellious nature one of them yelled "Fuck you!" Instantly followed a murmur of disapproval and shock from the young parents and grandparents. Hot dog stands on Sunday afternoon tend to draw a big after church crowd. It didn't bother me though I was a punk rocker way back before I had to work for a living and "Fuck You" was my flag and mantra for years of repressed adolescence. I looked up at the boys who were looking for a reaction and gave them my best shark/ to me Soprano grin, evil glee lit up my face. It scared the person I was sharing lunch with, she said I looked like I was going to bite someone.
It seemed to upset the teens though. "yo dude, fuck you!" one yelled at me flipping me off. I had tread on their masculinity a little and they tried to save face.
"We'll fuck you up" yelled the one in the back leaning forward to poke his head out the window over his friends shoulder.
I don't pose or strut anymore, most of the time, so I just waved them over staring down the passenger. The guy in back maybe was just a real tough guy, or a nut, but probably he figured his friend in the front seat would not want to get out of the car to let him come out from behind the seat. So he goes off almost hysterically trying to tear his way out of the car to get me. My for lunch was getting a little nervous. She would probably slap them each across the heads pretty good herself, but she hates to think of me fighting. She's got an overdeveloped fear of Police and is petrified of having to deal with them. I thought this was getting pretty funny, but these guys were starting to tread on my masculinity a little now, there was quite a crowd there, and whether or not I encouraged this behavior I began to feel the need to stop it, end this whole scene. I winked at my lunch partner who, sighed "can't you just ignore them?" "Sometimes you can." I said, I got up and walked over to the car. My legs got that springy feeling growing up I always thought was fear, until I learned in karate it was just adrenaline rush. My body keying up for the conflict. I grabbed the passenger door and opened it up, the guy in back was still going off, but the kid in the passenger seat looked like he was ready to piss himself. I probably outweighed him x2 and he turned stark white looking up at me. I just waved him out of the car, "no problem man" I said probably sounding really old, "I just want you to let your friend out." He looked to the driver who was staring at the light willing it to change, just his luck to get stuck at this light onto a highway. The passenger in back just kept saying "Fuck it, let me out, come-on pussy I'll kick your ass..blah blah blah blah"
"I'm waiting on you, why don't you quit swearing for the kids and step out." I could feel my fists clenching but I didn't take my eyes off him. I was mad now, I was almost forced to call him out of there because he just wouldn't come out. I hate when people start a fight or try to then back out before we actually fight. Once I'm that keyed up it's too hard to let go.
Finally the front passenger steps out and quick steps it around behind the car, and back seat boy comes boiling out, only now he's carrying a stick or a tire iron and he's trying to menace me with it. First rule of violent situations, control the situation by always initiating the violence, never wait. As he waved that stick like a fly swatter I stepped forward and gave him a quick punch right to the stomach. I didn't even worry about the stick, he never had time to even pull it back, and unless he was some kind of Martial arts master he couldn't put any force behind it from that far away.
He kind-of folded over a little and I stepped back, trying to make it plain to his friends I wasn't interested in just beating on him, I figured problem solved. Obviously the guy behind the car thought so to because he stepped up grabbed his friend and pushed him back into the car. He turned to me a little white faced and said "I'm sorry dude" and sat back down not taking his eyes off me. I forced a smile, "you guys have fun." and turned away. They tore out behind me squealing their tires, probably more out of hurry than for show. I walked back to my table rolled my shoulders once or twice and sat down, my legs turned to limp rubber as the need for adrenaline passed.
The friend I was with tried to look stern, but ended up giggling, she must have been scared. I felt bad about that but some times like I said you can't ignore things like that. I might have saved those biys from someone worse, then again they might get a gun for the next time they're called out like that. Those are just modern day rules, probably why cowboys started carrying guns..
A little old lady with two 10ish year old boys was at the table behind me. They were looking at me like I was a space monster, she smiled and said "Thank you, if the police come I'll let them know he threatened you with that metal thing." and she patted my arm..
It made me feel bad for all the parents I've cursed out in front of their kids. Wondering how many of them were too scared of going to jail for punching a minor, when I thought they were too scared of me.
The police never did show up, I figure those boys were just as timid about explaining their action to the police or their parents. I gave my name and number to the guy at the counter to give to the police if they showed up later. He asked why, and I told him "It's a small town, I don't want people pointing at me saying that guy beats up kids. If they want me I'm more than willing to give my side of the story." I'm pretty sure the judge would side with me anyway. I would hope so anyway.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Cutting School

I once cut freshman year of high school, not the first time I'd ever skipped school but definitely memorable. I took my bike out about 10 minutes after the bus to high school had left and rode down past the grade school to the little country store. I can't remember it's name, but we used to go there after grade school for bags of penny candy. I bought a bunch of junk like ho-ho's and coke and candy bars. I rode farther out into Shamong to where there were dense little parcels of forest between the corn fields. I snuck up someones driveway and pedalled as far as I could, I stashed my bike in a bramble thicket and spent the entire morning wandering around this little mossy clearing deep under some heavy trees that had a small creek running by.
Reading was my favorite hobby so I leaned against a tree and pulled one of the three books I had checked out of the library the previous day. I read all three that day, sci-fi fantasy novels that I don't recall the name or author. I was engrossed though and read and ate throughout the day. Finally when inactivity could be restrained no longer I packed up and got my bike out. In all my planning though I never thought to bring a clock, I didn't own a watch back then so when I pulled out on this little driveway I had no idea what time it was. Unfortunate for me a man was standing there just getting out of his truck, and he shouted "hey!" I'm no stranger to being caught doing wrong so I ducked my head and pedaled like mad, It was about a block over now out in the open when the man pulled out behind me dirt and stones flying everywhere as he roared after me. I pulled around the little shamong municipal building , circling it as he pulled into the parking lot then taking off back up the same road I had just been chased down. I flew back up his driveway, not looking back and could hear his tires crunch the gravel not too far behind me. I rode straight into the woods pulling straight through some of the thickets of brambles almost crying in fear and the man screamed out curses behind me. I jumped off my bike in the creek and pulled it after me up the creek under the low branches and tangle. I was sobbing for breath and the man was shouting terrible things he'd do to me before the police got there. I was terrified and just kept charging through. I was bleeding and crying and my clothes were ripped by the time I made it out the other side of that little forest. I headed straight for home and luckily it was after 3 so I was almost home free. I told my mom I was in another fight at school, which she believed looking at me, but she was a little worried I might have been fighting girls since I was so ripped up. I told her we were just out back fighting in the woods behind school and she never said another word about it. Last year (15years later) While visiting my brother in NJ I drove past that same spot. The municipal building was still there, but the little patch of woods was a gas station and a Laundromat.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Let me taste you," She said as she tugged at my belt. Her choice of words surprised me more than the action. We had been kissing and groping for several hours fully clothed. I was almost sore from pressing against the underside of my zipper. Sensitive and tickly from all the times she had traced the shape through the denim.
I couldn't say no to her, she was sliding off the couch onto her knees pushing my legs apart with her body. She tugged my best this way and that, I was no longer watching, my eyes already drawn to her shoulders and the hair which tumbled, dance and played around them. She unfastened my zipper and pulled me out. Using first one hand and the other she arranged my pants and underwear out of the way, gently letting her hands touch, rub.
"Ahh!" she sounded so excited as she looked down and saw my tip glistening with moisture. Her whole face lit up in a beautiful smile before she lowered her mouth. Closing her eyes and just tasting gently with her tongue. She surrounded me with all her fingertips lightly touching and moved them all around making me twitch and jump. I tried to hold out but I'm so weak when she's in control. I moved my hips a little and panted, begged her with my eyes to take me fully. The thought of her hot wetness over the full length beckoned me and her light insistent touch was driving me mad. She teased with her eyes and her smile, looking up at me daring me to complain or ask for more. She knows I will not, I always let the torture go on until she is too tired. Maybe tonight is the night she will outlast me, make me cave in and beg.
She nibbles and pulls gently with her teeth at different parts of me. This slows the rising tide the sharp little pains pulling me back from too far, causing more to leak from my tip. She swirls her tongue like a paintbrush not letting a drop roll of without her touch rolling it around. She takes just the end holds it firmly against my weak thrust, not letting me get the sensitive underside into her mouth. She begins to suck hard against me, pulling me against her teeth, and it hurts. It hurts so bad I almost grab her to pull her off before I can stop myself but I do. She pulls harder and harder with her mouth. I have tears in my eyes and she slaps lightly at my balls, sharp pains like cramps roll through my lower stomach, her eyes seem like ice now and I wonder if she will stop this time before I bleed, Her taps turn harder and I'm on the edge of making her stop when suddenly there is a great surge through me, from deep inside. My scrotum pulls tight and I must have screamed, my back arched and I exploded with a sharp jagged feeling. No pleasure like I expect with such release, I am pumping out lava. Burning through the passages of my bruised cock. She takes it all without stopping her painful work. She looks up at me in surprise for just a second then her eyes narrow and she pulls hard once more with her mouth. I slump back onto the sofa as she releases me, but I'm not softening at all. My heart is pounding like mad as she leans forward and likes a wide tongue across my stomach leaving a trail of red and cream. I hope that it's not from me but I don't check. She pushes her self up, staring at the blood on me in fascination and fumblingly she pulls off her jeans and panties kicking them behind her. She jerks my pants down, I'm still in shock and can't move. I'm still throbbing and pulsing and I think I'm getting harder the tip is all dark and swollen, larger than it's ever been. She straddles me and feverishly pushes herself onto me, bucking herself wildly for a few seconds before I start to move. She orgasms almost instantly it seems bouncing herself aross my legs, shivering and I can feel her moisture start to leak out and over my lap and legs. I start to get excited again and as I feel the pressure building it hurts so bad I groan "oh god that hurts"
She moans at my words thrusting onto me harder, pulling me into her. We flipped over and she stretches out grabbing above her head, digging her hand under the pillows to grab the frame of the bed.
She looks at me her face flushed sweat dampening the curls on the sides of her forehead and she curses at me, drives me with her words. "Don't you fucking stop, don't fucking stop. Harder! Oh damn harder! You don't fucking stop Oh damn!" She jerks her hips against me as I thrust into her and I can feel another orgasm rising. My cock swells as I slam into her trying to force the pain I'm feeling into action. My body is so excited the sharp pains throbbing in me spur me on each an almost electric shocks, She can feel the throbbing her eyes widen in surprise and pleasure as she topples over the edge into another orgasm her legs clamping around my hips as her back arches and her head and neck twitch and her hands convulse on the arm of the sofa. I thrust one more time feeling like I'm going to split open from the pressure. My stomach muscles actually ripple as I cum shooting what feels like and endless stream deep inside her, she grunts with every spurt, every little jerk of my hips. Finally I still and droop my head, out of breath and dripping sweat. She shudders lightly a half smile on her lips as she coasts on the gentling waves of her orgasm.
I'm finally getting soft and I can feel myself slipping from inside her where her muscles seemed clamped so much tighter than ever before, setting off a fresh shudder in us both at the sensitivity. I lean forward my head against her thigh looking up at her. She smiles at me, her lovers smile, a little wry a little unrepentant and reaches down to touch my hair. I shake my head gently, marveling at the violence such a loving face is capable of. Giving myself a shiver as I think about what just happened. I close my eyes just enjoying the gentle touch of her fingertips tracing pathways through my hair.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Deer Slaying

It was late November, and I was up a tree, literally. I was tucked fairly snugly into a camouflage sleeping bag pulled tight up to my shoulders.. The the safety harness had chafed my nipples, probably from the cold, enough that I didn't want to move anymore than I had to. I had some of those air activated toe warmers tucked into my boots and it felt like I was standing in a puddle, damn I sweat a lot. I had my bow on the rest in front of me my one gloved hand outside the bag on the grip. I keep my other hand ungloved so I don't have to worry about setting off the string release at the wrong time. I had been up there for about two hours and had passed the novelty of sitting in the quiet woods by myself, into the wanting to fidget against the boredom stage back to enjoying the sound of the wind and the branches rattling together. All the parts of me that were cold were numb but not painful like my lips and my nose. My eyelids were so cold it was uncomfortable to blink and I indulged in imagining how I would get out of this tree and back to the house if my eyes froze shut. A whisper and a crunch and a cautious doe stepped into the clearing beneath me coming out from under my right foot. I tried really hard to keep my breathing from changing and stared at the kill spot noticing the head and it's direction only peripherally not wanting to make eye contact. She walked out in front of me and started tugging at a thin sapling. I waited wanting a nice buck or a larger Doe to follow in but after a few minutes there was still nothing. I pulled my shooting hand out of the bag and looped the string release around the bowstring. I drew and lowered the arrow at the same time, either my breath or a creak of the bow started the doe but she didn't run, she just froze ears up tail quivering. I felt pretty solid on target and was ready to make the shot when she took a step almost straight to the right with her foreleg turning her ass straight at me. My shot felt ruined but I was hoping she'd take another step give me that good quarter again. My heart was pounding and I could feel the shakes starting in my arm. I'm usually steadier but a few hours of cold had me feeling weak. I'm not sure if my eyes were playing with me or just a case of buck fever but there ahead of the doe in the brush I saw another deer standing behind a bush. Well my arm was really doing a fine quiver now and I was considering taking a shot through the spine when she turned again and I took the shot the moment I felt It was in sight. It was a clean hit she barely made it 10 yards before she fell. I never noticed if another deer had been there, didn't notice anything running away. I pulled my shooting hand inside my bag and wedged it between my legs for warmth. I leaned my head forward against my bow and started shivering uncontrollably as the adrenaline jerked my whole body around. I called my cousin on the shortwave about 10-20 minutes later. I giggled a little, I'm sure it bothered him. Still I thought better than throwing up or wetting my pants, which still seemed like a possibility then climbed down out the tree, my legs barely able to hold me..